Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Sometimes, I think I'm a little crazy.

And sometimes... other people think I'm a little crazy. (Even my boss looked at me after I told a story yesterday and said, "You worry me sometimes." Jokingly, of course. I think...)

I mean, I'm going back to China. Again. For the 3rd time on a mission trip.

When my brother found out I was going to Chenzhou back in 2010, he looked at my like I was insane. He wasn't the biggest fan of China when we adopted my sister... and I mean, I could see why not. We were young, we all got sick, and the culture is just very different.

But there's something about it that I love. Yes, there's something about it that makes me feel like I'm at home when I arrive.

Some think I'm crazy (Sometimes even I think I'm crazy) for thinking I can raise $4,000 in only a few months.

And maybe I am. But that's just where faith comes in. I'm believing that God will provide every last dollar that I need in order to be in Chenzhou this summer.

Some think I'm crazy for leaving my family and friends for two weeks to go on a trip by myself. Travel with strangers in a foreign country.

But the truth is... those strangers become quick friends, which have lasting relationships that make you feel like family. I love everyone who I've been to China with so far, and we still keep in contact. They are all just amazing people... and once you go through such a life changing experience with them, you become molded into family.

I remember when my group leader, Shannon, and one of my eating buddies, Tammy, came to visit in September. My friends were asking me if I was going to a football game the night they came, and I replied I had friends coming into town that night. "Oh! Will bring them to the game!" they would say. And when I told them that they were friends my parents age, and probably didn't want to go to a highschool football game, they all looked at me like I was crazy. Haha. But you know what, I truly consider these women to be great friends. :)

So, yeah, I may be crazy. But the truth of the matter is, it's so worth it.

I would be crazy every day if it meant I could go back to China. To Chenzhou. To see my wonderful friends I've made there.

It's only a short time (sadly we can't stay for eternity), but I wouldn't trade it in. Everything that I've mentioned up there is so worth it to see the kids. To bring them hope and love. To be completely ruined by what you see when you're there.

So if that's your definition of crazy... then yes, I'm glad to be it. :)

By the way, there's still room on our Chenzhou trip in July if any of you are interested. I'm telling you, you won't regret it. It is all worth it. To learn more, click here.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Strong and Courageous

I've been meaning to write about this for a few weeks now, but I just haven't gotten around to it. And I kind of pushed it off for awhile. Then I had a talk with a friend from school and I just felt like I needed to get my thoughts down somewhere.

On March 1st, a man named Jeremiah Small was killed in Iraq. He was a teacher at my school's sister school there. After watching one of my teachers lectures via video, he was shot. He's what we call a modern day martyr.

I never met Jeremiah. But I've read articles and heard testimonies, and I know he made an impact on the world he left behind. He left a legacy.

The whole situation left me humbled, though. There was this man that so firmly believed in what he was teaching, the truth of the gospel, that he put himself in danger every single day. Voluntarily.

How inspiring is that?

It really makes you step back for a moment and think, "Would I do that? Am I that brave? Am I willing to be a martyr?"

I am humbled.

Because personally, I live this comfortable life in which everyone around me either knows the gospel or has heard of it. And if I come across someone who doesn't, I know I become scared to tell them. Why? Because I'm afraid of what they'll think of me.

But... that doesn't matter. I'm not called to be loved and to fit in with the world... I'm called to get out of my comfort zone and make disciples, just as Jesus called us to do when He rose to Heaven. I'm commanded not to fear, but to be strong and courageous.

Ever think about the people who are so lost? There are people in some parts of the world that have never heard of Jesus. Or if they have, they don't realize that He's a real person, that He can change their lives. They haven't grown up in a Christian family. That haven't been brought the good news. There are people who are so lost that they will kill those who believe.

And why? Because the church is lazy. The body of Christ. You. Me.

Each and every one of us is called to help further the kingdom of God. To make disciples of ourselves, to tell the good news.

It doesn't have to be in a far away country.

It can be in your neighborhood. Or at work. Or maybe standing in line at the store. The simplest things can make a world of a difference.

That's exactly what Christians have been commanded to do.

Anyways... this has just been a sobering incident that has made me reevaluate my life.

And it's time for my comfort zone to be torn down. Because ultimately it's not about me, it's about HIM.

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go."
-Joshua 1:9