I received news today that we won't be able to visit Chenzhou. A few things have come up, and we aren't able to visit at this time.
I'm deeply grieved and very heartbroken.
I'd be lying if I said that I didn't shed tears over the news.
I miss my kids, I miss the nannies.
I miss Chenzhou.
When traveling, I always expect for there to be little bumps. Especially when traveling on missions… it seems to be the devil's way of trying to mess with us. We've lost luggage, had cancelled flights, etc.
But I can honestly say that I never expected this.
My heart hurts thinking of the kids in that orphanage. I had plans for them. I picked out crafts with these kids specifically in mind.
But the fact of the matter is… there's nothing we can do about it at this time.
We have decided as a team that we are still going to go to China. Our airline tickets have already been purchased, and there's really no point in staying home.
See the thing is, no matter where we go, God can still use us.
Would I rather it have been in Chenzhou? Selfishly, yes.
But I know that all we have to do is be available, ready to do His work, and He will use us.
So, it seems that we will be finding a new orphanage to visit. There are 153 million orphans in the world. They need some love, too. We are looking into options on where we will go, and hopefully have the details nailed out in the next day.
We are still leaving as planned. Bright and early tomorrow morning!
Last year, our group leader asked us to come up with a word or a phrase for our trip. And I think if I had to choose one this year, my phrase would have to be, "All In".
The way I see it, I have two options. 1) I can let this ruin my trip. It's upsetting that I won't be able to see my friends. OR 2) I can be excited for what this week holds and for what the Lord is going to do in and through us.
I choose the second.
I've recently been talking to my mom about how in order to see change in a situation, you need to make sure that you're "all in", putting all your efforts in.
So, this trip, I choose to be ALL IN.
All my efforts, all my energy, all my ability. It is all for the Lord. I'm giving it to Him, and surrendering this situation to Him. We are having faith that He is in control and will lead us where we need to be.
Here's some ways you can pray for us:
Pray for high spirits in the days to come. Pray for safe flights, and that everything will go smoothly from here on out. Pray that the details are nailed out soon. Pray for those we come in contact with, and for the children we will be loving. Pray that the Lord will show up in amazing ways.
We have received word from China that we are now able to visit the orphanage for a few days next week. We are more than thankful for this opportunity. God is moving mountains!
Thank you so much to everyone who prayed today. God hears our prayers and He is answering them. He is working miracles! Excited for this week. We have some shifting around to do in regards to our schedule, but we will be there. Please pray as we smooth out the details still. Pray for our coordinator who is now working overtime to work all these details together. Thank you guys so much!
We have received word from China that we are now able to visit the orphanage for a few days next week. We are more than thankful for this opportunity. God is moving mountains!
Thank you so much to everyone who prayed today. God hears our prayers and He is answering them. He is working miracles! Excited for this week. We have some shifting around to do in regards to our schedule, but we will be there. Please pray as we smooth out the details still. Pray for our coordinator who is now working overtime to work all these details together. Thank you guys so much!
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