Why do we go?
Because in God tells us in James 1:27 that "Pure and undefiled religion before God the Father is this: to care for orphans and widows in their distress."
Because there are 163 million orphans in the world giving us a reason to GO.
We're called to spread the Love of Christ by being His hand and feet. Our team spends a week helping out in an orphanage. We bring donations and crafts/games to play with the children and show them love through our actions (1 John 3:18). Jesus called us to go out into all the world and to love the "least of these", and that is exactly what our team does.
Who do we go with?
Visiting Orphans coordinates our trip. Their mission statement is "To awaken the body of Christ to be the hands and feet of Jesus to the 163 million orphans by visiting them, loving them, and sharing the Father’s heart."
Their website is http://www.visitingorphans.org.
Where do we go?
We visit Chenzhou, China! Chenzhou is in the Hunan province in southern China.
In this little city, there is one orphanage with about 50 children living in it. For the past 3 years Visiting Orphans has sent teams to visit and love in the kids and nannies. Our teams have built a great relationship with the orphanage, and the director has asked us to come back and bring more team members! This is very rare for an orphanage in China!
When do we go?
In 2013, there are TWO trips going to Chenzhou. One is March 1-10, and the other is July 1-14.
Why China?
For me, China has always been near and dear to my heart. Growing up, I was fascinated with the culture, people, and history of China. I didn't like princesses... but Mulan was always my favorite! :)
When I was 9 years old we adopted my little sister, Miyah, from the Guangdong province. My dreams came true to finally be able to visit China AND get a little sister! When I was 11 we decided to adopted my other little sister, Mei Lin, from the Kunming province. I loved both trips.
My Freshman year of highschool my mom suggested that I go on a mission trip, and I started praying about where I wanted to go. She kept saying, "Go to Africa! Wouldn't that be so cool?" ...but that's where SHE wanted to go. I wouldn't have minded going to Africa, but it just didn't seem right. So she suggested working in an orphanage in China, and then I KNEW that's what I wanted to do. It just felt right, and I believe God knew that from the beginning. :)
After my first trip to Chenzhou, I fell completely in love with the kids and nannies in that orphanage. And that's when I knew I had to visit again, and I had to go to the same orphanage. Chenzhou feels like my second home. :)
If you have any other questions concerning the trip, you can email me!
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