Tuesday, June 7, 2011

This Is the Stuff...

"This is the stuff that drives me crazy. This is the stuff that's getting to me lately...in the middle of my little mess I forget how big I'm blessed."

These are the words that keep popping into my head today. Its been a long day for all of us.

The day started out fine. I slept for 8 hours last night which was good. I thought to myself, "oh maybe I'm going to kick jet lag in the butt. Hopefully."

I got up, took a shower, attempted to blow my hair dry with their wimpy hair drier and got ready. We went to breakfast and ate some pretty good food. Elyssa and I thought we'd found our steamed bread, but then opened it up and found it had bean paste inside. Haha.

Last night Shannon (group leader) and a few other ladies took time from their precious sleep to rearrange all of our bags. We set some aside with our donations for Shepard's Field (now called New Day--the last leg of our trip when we return to Beijing), and put everything we needed for Changsha and Chenzhou together. She set the stuff for New Day in a room at the hotel to retrieve when we get back to Beijing.

We were told that the luggage we were taking with us to Changsha would be picked up from our rooms and brought to the airport.

Or so we thought.

We arrived at the airport, checked in, and our guide told us to check our carry on stuff because we had room. We still didn't see our big bags.

Can you see where this is going?

Our flight was pretty good. I got to sit next to Christy and Kita (our guide) and got to know them better. They're both very sweet ladies. I found out this is Kita's first trip ever. She's never been to Changsha or Chenzhou. It sounds like Elyssa and I will know the area better than she will, which is pretty scary.

We hit a little bit of turbulence which scared quite a few of us. It was the worse turbulence I've ever been in. But it was just like being in a roller coaster. Only, not strapped in, and higher up. Haha. But it makes the flight interesting.

We got to baggage claim and got all of our carry ons we checked. We proceeded to stand there waiting, and then the conveyor belt stopped.

Our guide says to us, "do you not have all of your luggage?"

We kind of look at her like... No... We usually have these carts packed full. You saw us the other day.

Then she realized we were looking for our "big bags" as she put it.

And that's when we realized, they didn't make it.

She thought all of those bags were staying on Beijing for New Day, as well. So they were still at the hotel back in Beijing.

Through much confusion and chaos, we finally talked to someone who said they'd drive the bags down for us and they'd be here the next day.

The only problem is, they're taking ALL of our bags (including the ones that should have remained in Beijing). All 26 bags (we gained a member when we landed in Beijing). So we're going to have to ride the bullet train tomorrow with all of them. Somehow. Pray that we figure it out. Its going to be interesting.

Oh, and some members of our team packed alllll of their clothes and such in those bags. Luckily I had all my clothes in my carry ons. I just don't have all my bathroom stuff. But its stuff I can live without.

Of course, this is the only hotel we have stayed at that you have to pray for the shampoo and soap. But I mean, you do what you gotta do, right?

"I've gotta trust you know exactly what you're doing. Might not be what I would choose, but this is the stuff you use to break me of impatience, conquer my frustrations, I've got a new appreciation--its not the end of the world."

Isn't that the truth? I find myself freaking out over little things all the time... Where this may be bigger than most, it'll all be OKAY. And they're all just tools He uses to help us realize the imprtant things in life--and right now that means getting to those kids. He is all in control. Always.

We all shifted loaned clothes and soaps so we could at least be smelling a little bit fresh. I can't say we'll be looking too hot tomorrow. So, all those pictures from the Butterfly House, don't be expecting us to look nice. Haha.

I'm just excited for tomorrow. We get to finally see some babies, and then go to Chenzhou to STAY for a few days. I'm kind of tired of moving around so much. Haha.

Anyways, time to get to bed. Write more tomorrow.


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