The crazy thing is, as I read this book, I found myself thinking, "I could see myself doing something like that." Seriously thinking too, not just like "oh that would be fun."
The weeks went on, and I got caught up in my fundraising to really think anymore about what the Lord had placed on my heart. I was talking to one of my friends I haven't talked to in awhile, and we were just asking the usual "catch-up" questions. At one point the question of college came up, and he said he was going to go to Belmont, and I've been thinking about looking into the China program that they offer. So, I told him that just to be like, "what a coincidence." haha.
Then he says, "Do you know what you wanna be?"
I replied, "No... but I know the Lord has called me to do something in China, something definitely with orphans."
I replied, "No... but I know the Lord has called me to do something in China, something definitely with orphans."
And he goes, "So... a missionary?"
At the point I stopped. I kind of freaked out. YES. That's exactly what I would love to do. But then again, would I really? Leaving my family and friend behind to go live in a third-world country where I know nobody? It scared me for a little bit. But I suppose if it's what I'm called to do, He will work everything out the way it should. :)
The story gets even cooler though. Sunday night at church we had a great sermon about not worrying about what in the world you're here for, but who in the world you're here for. We split up into our lifegroups to talk about the message and answer questions.
One of the questions: Who in the world do you think you're here for?
People started answering, and as I sat there and thought, the only thing I could think of was those precious children in the orphanages of China who NEED help.
So, when it comes to me I answer. "The orphans in China..." I say.
My lifegroup know all about my trip and have walked with me as I've been preparing for it... and when I answered my leader asks, "That's what you want to do with your life, isn't it?"
I was caught completely off guard by this question. I thought, why does this keep showing up in my life?
"YES. The answer is yes." I say. "Oh my goodness. Yeah, I would love to... I feel like that's where the Lord is calling me to be."
That's the only word I could think of to explain my feeling after these experiences. As I'm a rising Junior in highschool, I find people--mostly my parents--asking me what I'd like to do with my life. And I never know what to reply, because I never knew what I would love to do for the rest of my life. But I think I've finally found it. I mean, I don't know exactly what I'll be doing... but I know that I will be helping orphans in anyway I possibly can. I know I will be sharing them the Love they have never experienced before. That I know for sure.
Praise the Lord, because that's a load off my chest for now. At least I have a place to start in my search for colleges. HE IS GOOD. :)
Anyways, I just needed to share this, because I thought it was kind of cool:)
Until next time... :)
So cool Megan!! Can't wait to see their sweet faces with you in 10 days:)