So, last night I had my first pre-China nightmare. And I'm not usually one to have nightmares about big events coming up in my life (I hear of people, such as my mom, who do, but it never happens to me). I hope this is not a reoccurring theme. This is how it went:
I started with me packing my suitcase. For some reason... I waited until THE DAY OF my flight to pack. What?
I was throwing things in my suitcase. All of my clothes (which for some reason were all white) went in, which took up about 1/4 of the suitcase. The orphanage donations went in afterwards, which overflowed the suitcase. It didn't zip.
I was freaking out.
So my mom and I are jumping on top of it, you know, the way they do in the tv shows, because that's somehow supposed to make it shut... somehow. But hey, it did... Eventually.
So rush to the airport, my dads driving like a maniac to get me there on time.
We get there, check my bags. And for some reason my whole family came with me through security. When I suddenly remember, I FORGOT TO PACK SHORTS. Or any kind of pants for that matter. All I had to wear for the next two weeks was the pants I was wearing right then at that moment. So the clothes I packed were all white t shirts?
I remember freaking out, going through the shops in the airport trying to find some type of pants/shorts to buy. Nothing. Nothing was to be found. HA.
Talk about a nightmare. I woke up right as I was running around the airport. But really? It was not cool.
Let's just hope I remember to bring my shorts on this trip, guys.
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