Sunday, April 5, 2015

Leap of Faith

Well, it's that time of year again when I start this blog up... which usually only means one thing: China.

I've actually wanted to write this post for awhile. People have been asking me for awhile if I'm returning to China once again this summer.

And if you had asked me a week ago? My answer would have been, "Unfortunately, no."

Every time someone inquired about my summer, it pained me to say "no" to China. As soon as the words escaped my mouth, I felt knots in my stomach. But it just didn't seem possible.

You see, I had planned on spending a substantial amount of time in China this summer, but then turned down the opportunity I had been given because I decided summer school was important at that time. I planned on taking a few classes to get them out of the way, but as the months progressed, I realized that those classes weren't even offered when I needed them.

It seemed like God was closing every door that I had tried so hard to pull open. The control freak in me was so confused and frankly quite upset. I prayed that God would show me what He wanted for my summer, because everything that I had planned had been shut down. And I guess that's where I went wrong: I planned it, not God.

After all my doors and been closed, I began praying, "Not my will, but Yours, Lord." Amazing how that small change of heart can make a world of difference in your life. Suddenly I wasn't stressed about what the next few months were to hold.

During this time of surrender, my friend Shannon started texting me about the trip, sharing details and amazing things that have already been happening.

Suddenly my homesickness for Chenzhou grew stronger than it has ever been. I prayed that if this is what God wanted for me this summer that He would show me. All that week I had people asking me left and right if I would be returning again. My mom called me and asked if I wanted to be there, and if so, that I should go for it. My desire to be there only grew stronger, and I couldn't imagine being anywhere else this summer...

So three and a half months before my plane is supposed to leave the ground, I took a huge leap of faith and I decided I'd be going to Chenzhou.

And I haven't looked back since. :)

Because it means that I get to see my friends living 8,000 miles away.

The faces that I have longed to see all year will soon be in my arms.

And it means that we get to share God's love with those who do not know it.

I have so much to do before the trip... and sometimes I'm a little overwhelmed when I think about it. But these precious faces are so worth it.

I want to ask you all to join me in praying for the trip. Pray for everyone we come in contact with, that we may show His love to them. Pray for the kids and the nannies, that He would move in their lives. There are so many needs in an orphanage!  God is the only one who can make it possible to provide for those needs.  Pray that God does amazing things through us for the orphanage. Pray that our team of 13 becomes close and we work together to do His will. 

I am believing for amazing things to come from this trip. God is already working great things together for us. Madison Adoption Agency is now partnering with Chenzhou, which means more children will be adopted and that they will be able to come to the States to stay with host families. We have 13 team members! Yes, 13! 5 of which are men, which makes me so excited for the children to finally see male figures loving and caring for them. Shannon also met a Mandarin speaking woman who will be in China during our trip who has offered to spend the week in Chenzhou with us--so we will have a second translator, which we have always hoped and prayed for. God is already working in amazing ways, and I am so excited to see what else he has in store for Chenzhou this year.

One last thing you can pray for is finances. I'm a little late to the game and I have a lot of money to raise. I know that this is what God wants for me, so He will provide. He has in the past, and He is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. But it's still a big leap of faith, and I'm praying that He will provide what I need when I need it. 

102 days until we leave. 102 days until I see my precious kids. 102 days until I can finally kiss their faces once again.