I mean really. Have you ever thought about it? Why do I live here, have these friends?
My best friend and I have talked about the recently. And it's stumped me a little.
I mean, I am so blessed. I have a place to sleep at night. An education. Parents and siblings who love me to no end.
So often I've wondered, "God, why am I the one who is so blessed? Why don't I live in an orphanage? Why don't I eat rice mush everyday (for breakfast, lunch, and dinner)? Why do I live in wealth and loved when others suffer?"
And the only conclusion I can come up with is this: because if I had not known this love from my parents, I would not be able to know the One True Love of Jesus. And if I had not known that Love, I would not be able to show love to those who need it most. I would not be capable of knowing how to love--and I wouldn't feel like people need to know the love I feel.
But because I feel this love, I want people to feel the way I do. I just can't bear the thought that there are kids who do not know the love of a mother to run to crying, or a father for advice. I can't bear to think that kids don't know the love of a sibling, to love, care and play with. They don't know what it feels like to have a sibling to laugh uncontrollably with from the bottom of their belly. They just don't know.
No, I may not be a mother or a sibling to the kids in an orphanage. But I can try to the best of my ability to show them that they are loved by someone, that their life matters. But not only that they are loved by me and my team, but by a Savior whose love is far greater than our earthly love.
Katie Davis said, "And if one person sees the love of Christ in me, it is worth every minute. In fact, it is worth spending my life for." (Kisses from Katie, pg. XIX)
And that is essentially is my life long mission towards the orphans I love so much in Chenzhou, China. I hope and pray that they would see a glimpse of Christ through us, my team and I, as we love and care for them.