Well, this year we have had the privilege of opening up our lower school, so now we are a K-12 school. And can I just say, I LOVE having this kids around?
These kids brighten my day. And to be more specific, the K-2nd graders. I love all of them to death. For some reason that has always been my favorite age of kids... I love seeing how their brains work, seeing the joy they find, and the simplicity of life. Spending time with them is like seeing the world through a whole new lens.

Obviously, we don't have any classes with these kids. So it saddened me the first few weeks of school when we didn't have much contact with them besides a hello in the hallway and a high five in the bathroom. But, my best friend and I decided to somehow get into their lives.
So... for the past few weeks we've been eating lunch with the kids a few days a week, and also volunteering in their classroom on days when we have breaks. After the first day, I knew I loved these kids. They made my day. I can't even describe how much these angels made me laugh.
I'm just going to say, I'm SO grateful God gave me a heart for children in general. So blessed to have that gift.
After our first day of reading, building with pattern blocks, and kickball, the teacher stopped us and said, "Thank you so much. You have no idea how happy this has made them. Ya'll just made their day."
And that's when it dawned on me. I remember when I was their age, how I used to think older kids in their teen years were so cool. That even a hello and a highfive brightened my day. I began to realize that I looked up to those big kids.
And then an "aha" moment came over me. Now, I'M that big kid. I'M the one that brightens their day. I'M the one they're looking up to.
(Speaking of "aha" moments, any Modern Family fans out there? Did you see the premiere this week? Favorite line... "Manny, this is your "haha" moment!" haha, I love that family).
What a cool thing to think about, but also in that same sense, scary. I realized that the things I do, those kids will imitate. Those things I say, the kids will take in. And I began to realize, I need to be someone I would want to look up to. I need to be someone I would want my sisters and friend to look up to.
That's a lot of responsibility. But what a cool opportunity to plant seeds of truth into these kids at such an early age. I don't know how the Lord will use Alicia and I in these kids lives, but I'm so excited to see. And I can't wait to see how He will use THEM in OUR lives.