This girl is my best friend.
This girl, is the only reason I made it through Sophomore year.

I am more than thankful for this girl. God has truly blessed me with bringing this girl into my life.
This time last year, was the first time I'd ever met this girl. She was new at my school, and everyone else seemed to know her, except me. For our first week of school, my school goes to a camp, and we all hang out and get to know everyone. Well, all that week, I barely talked to her. She was off hanging out with the Juniors and such, and I was off hanging out with other people.
But on the last night/day, something clicked. We both realized how much we understood each other, and how we thought the same.
It seems like just last week we were sitting up on our bunk bed laughing the night away, having so much fun together. And now, we're here, a year later, getting ready for camp, and I'm happy to call her my best friend. :)

This year has brought us a lot of ups and downs. It's been a roller coaster ride for the both of us. But I've always said, the ones with lots of ups and downs, twists and turns, unexpected drops, are always the best. They're the type of roller coasters you want to ride. And through all of this, we've both learned so much. But I'll tell ya, I have nooo idea what my life would be like without her.
She was always there when I needed someone to talk to. When I was super excited about something, she was right there. When I needed someone to vent to, she was always there. When I needed someone to laugh with, she was always right beside me. When I was sad and needed someone to comfort me, she was RIGHT there. This girl. She is the best.
We began to realize over the year, that we think EXACTLY the same. Believe it or not. And the same things (like scenarios) would seem to happen to the both of us at the sa
me time.
The thing I love most about her, is that she's a God fearing woman of Christ, and she always pushes me to be a better person. When I'm upset or venting, she always tells it to me s
traight--what I need to hear. She always reminds me that God has a plan for everything, and it's not the end of the world. She loves the simple things in life, and loves the life she lives. And really, that's what counts. :)
This girl. This girl is the best. I am so blessed to call her my best friend.
We've had some crazy times together. Football games, mall time, car rides, scr
eaming at the top of our lungs, middle-of-the-night snack runs in our pajamas, dancing around at Mapco, almost being hit by a train (NO JOKE), so many inside jokes, laughing till no end in class, and so so so many more.

I love her. That's all I have to say. She's my best friend, and she really is the best.
God has done so much for our relationship in just one year, and I can't wait to see what He has planned for us in the years to come. For now, I'm focusing on Junior year. And so far, we've gotten off to a great start :))
I love you Alicia, dear. You're the best. I love you to no end, and I always will. Never forget it. :)